Decorative flooring
Our coating solutions comprise quality flooring options with different stiffness and acoustics parameters, a wide range of colours, different surface finishes and ecological purity. The coatings are visually beautiful, easy to maintain and, if necessary, restore.
Decorative polyurethane coating Conifloor LPC suitable for living quarters
Decorative polyurethane coating Conifloor UPD suitable for design solutions
Very resistant smooth surfance epoxy resin coating Eposyst SL
Very resistant epoxy resin coating Eposyst SL/Chips with scattered decorative chips
Epoxy resin coating Eposyst Flake Deco fully covered with decorative chips
Very strong non-slip epoxy resin coating Eposyst KP filled with decorative gravel
Polyurethane coating Conifloor IPS+ with sound-absorbing base mat for wide use
Polyurethane coating Conifloor LPC+ with sound-absorbing base mat suitable for living quarters
Polyurethane coating Conifloor UPD+ with sound-absorbing base mat suitable for design solutions

How can we help you?
Epokate Trading OÜ

Savimäe 3, Vahi alevik, Tartumaa
Reg nr. 12520609 KMKR NR. EE101659282